Daniel P. Barron

Apple Lemon Ginger Vodka

Saturday, January 11, 2020 

The title says it all. This drink is like something you'd buy at a health food store, except there's vodka instead of water. I got the idea from the recipe book that came with my Vitamix blender -- a recipe for apple juice. I figured why not also throw in some ginger and lemon like they do at fancy juice stands, and some alcohol for all the trouble. Well it turns out this is a big hit. It's my new favorite drink, and everyone I've given a sample to so far has given a positive review. Actually most of the people I shared it with asked for the recipe, and here we are.


These numbers are for ratio, and for what I think can be reasonably processed in a Vitamix blender.

  • 3 to 4 apples i
  • 1/2 to 1 lemon
  • Not more than a tablespoon of fresh ginger
  • About a cup of vodka


Some of these are sorta optional, but if you don't have them you're seriously lacking in kitchen equipment.

  • cutting board
  • knife
  • vegetable peeler
  • lemon/lime squeezer
  • liquid measuring cup
  • blender
  • strainer
  • pot
  • funnel
  • cheesecloth


  1. Wash and dry the produce. ii
  2. Quarter the lemon and remove the seeds.
  3. Peel and roughly chop the ginger.
  4. Quarter the apples and remove the seeds. Then cut each quarter into three pieces. iii
  5. Put the vodka in the blender, squeeze the lemon in, and add the ginger and apple. iv
  6. Start on the lowest setting until most of the apple pieces are no longer visible. Turn up to a high enough setting for a stable vortex to form. Let it run for a couple minutes so as to break up the cell walls of the apple.
  7. Put a strainer on a pot, and pour the blended mixture into it. v
  8. Pour the strained liquid through a cheesecloth on a funnel vi into a bottle. vii
  1. Optionally and preferably each a different variety. ^
  2.  ^
  3.  ^
  4.  ^
  5.  ^
  6.  ^
  7.  ^

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    looks gay

  2. Oh yes, it's a very good time with this drink!

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