Daniel P. Barron

Yeah, check his post history. That's literally all he does.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 

From an atheist forum:

OldGreg21: At the store today in the checkout line, an older gentleman got in line behind me. While my groceries were being scanned he asked the woman working the register if she knew if milk was taxed or not. She said she wasn't sure. He said, "I hope not because I have $4 and the milk is $3.95." When she finished scanning my groceries I offered to pay for his milk so he didn't have to worry about taxes.

He thanked me and asked me "Where do you go to church?"

I responded, "I don't".

"Well that was a very godly thing you just did," he said, and proceeded to give me the location of his church.

I nodded and smiled, resisting the urge to respond with "Or maybe I was just being a decent human being."

It bothers me that some religious people feel that religion and good morals are mutually exclusive; that it is impossible for someone to have good morals without first knowing God. Why is it so hard to believe that I/non-religious people don't have to rely on the future rewards (or punishment of not doing so) from a higher being to be compelled to do good?

I'm banned from commenting on this forum, so I sent my reply as a private messasge:

Daniel: If you don't believe, even the good things you do are an abomination to God. (Isaiah 64:6 i)

By boasting about this good deed, you have also made it an evil thing. (Matthew 6:1 ii)

Check out A True Church. Don't go to hell like the rest of the world!

OldGreg21: Lol. No thanks. I don't need some higher being to promise me rewards for or to scare me into doing good deeds. I'd rather be happy that I did them because I wanted to. And if I'm wrong about a God's existence, then I'll drink with the devil when I get to hell.

But please do continue to shove scripture down people's throats to tell them how wrong they are or how right you are. I'm sure that works so well for you.

I also was not boasting. I simply recounted an experience I had. So, nice try on that second scripture reference.

And that Isaiah scripture is just sad. So because someone did something good but didn't believe in him when they did it, it's an abomination?? Talk about a drama queen and someone not liking that they aren't getting the praise for the action(s). That's a pretty selfish mindset.


I'll drink with the devil when I get to hell.

No you won't. Luke 16:

24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

OldGreg21: Lol. You need to use less scripture and learn to have an actual discussion with someone. By throwing verses at someone with hardly anything else in terms of discussion, you're only hurting your wannabe missionary lifestyle. You are going to push so many people further from your god that way.

Daniel: You can only believe if God causes you to believe.

What is there to discuss besides scripture? (Colossians 2:8 iii)

OldGreg21: Oh, I don't know, maybe getting to know the person you are trying to convert? I can guarantee the best missionaries are those who got to know their targets on a personal level. They see the questions/issues that a person has and addresses them with compassion and understanding; not just "here's a bible verse and here's a bible verse and here's a bible verse. You believe now right? No? What about this one. It says you are going to hell if you don't believe. Now you want to believe right?"

But please, go ahead and continue to throw scripture at me. You are only pushing me further away and making me resent your presence and your religion.

And it's not a discussion if you just coldly throw scripture at someone.

Daniel: I know enough about you. I showed you the verses that relate to what I know about you.

I'm not interested in tricking you into a friendship. Take heed, or don't. If you have questions about scripture, I'm happy to answer them. Otherwise, I don't want to have a discussion.

OldGreg21: Then you are a poor example of a Christian. For your sake, I hope you can see how your approach is not only illogical but detrimental to your intentions of converting people to your religion. Peace be with you.

Back in the public post:

OldGreg21: Lol. Literally just got the following direct message from Daniel:

If you don't believe, even the good things you do are an abomination to God. (Isaiah 64:6) By boasting about this good deed, you have also made it an evil thing. (Matthew 6:1) Check out A True Church. Don't go to hell like the rest of the world!

WitisDead: Ahahahaha, oh the irony.

OldGreg21: The guy is still going, too. Coldly throwing scripture at me to show me that I'm wrong or "going to hell" if I don't believe.

I told him he's not going to be very successful at converting people if he's just going to throw scripture at them instead of getting to know them on a personal level and having a discussion.

WitisDead: Yeah, check his post history. That's literally all he does.

OldGreg21: I saw. When I told him he needs to try and have a discussion instead of scripture spamming, he said "what else is there to discuss besides scripture?"

It's not a discussion if you just throw scripture at people.

WitisDead: It's not a discussion if you can only hear yourself.

  1. Isaiah 64:

    6 But we are all like an unclean thing,
    And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;
    We all fade as a leaf,
    And our iniquities, like the wind,
    Have taken us away.


  2. Matthew 6:

    1 “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.


  3. Colossians 2:

    8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.


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